First Page October Sub-line research meeting


October 21st-23rd, the first session was held in October at Wanda Wenhua Hotel in Quanzhou, Imperial Crown Day Hotel in Guangzhou, and Shenzhen Courtyard Hotel. As the conference progresses from one venue to the next, we also plan to select the venue and time for our customer service, and also provide more opportunities for our customer service to participate. This is not a one-off event for overseas research exchanges, but it is also the beginning of an exhibition of corporate reality and innovations where each individual attends.



Currently, many foreign trade companies are facing various difficulties in promoting foreign trade. If they continue to adhere to the old foreign trade development methods, it may be difficult to break through the difficulties. Breaking the rules and finding new development models is the foreign trade development direction unanimously recognized by many participating customers. From previous meetings, we have also concluded that foreign trade customers have a high demand for discussions on "how to increase website traffic through online promotion", "how to improve the competitiveness of corporate websites", and "how to improve search engine rankings". Therefore, this conference will focus on the discussion of new models of multi-language and multi-channel overseas promotion as the core content of the conference.


The conference attracted the enthusiastic participation of more than 100 foreign trade companies and more than 200 foreign trade people. Mr. Sun Rongrong, who has 15 years of experience in online promotion and 6 years of practical B2C e-commerce operation experience, and serves as the general manager of B2B platform EC21 China and the general manager of First Page Network Technology, attended this conference as the keynote speaker. It mainly analyzes the third-generation foreign trade "cross-border" e-commerce model for customers; tells our customers how to seize the multi-language market; explains the ways and methods of corporate websites to obtain traffic through website case analysis; shares how companies use SNS (facebook, Community marketing such as linkedin) for overseas promotion and sales; and in the market environment where smartphones are popular, the application of mobile clients in the field of foreign trade...



Quanzhou Station meeting site


Guangzhou station meeting site


Shenzhen station meeting site

The conference set up an interactive communication session, and provided free on-site analysis of the corporate websites of the participating guests. Through website analysis, our customers can more accurately understand the advantages and disadvantages of the website. Many customers at the scene asked the lecturer questions about some problems on the corporate website, and the lecturer patiently answered the questions.